Happy hour and farewell party for Israel and Anne (07/21/23)
Movie outting :)
Spring rotation lab lunch/happy hour at Pacific Catch (3/3/23)
2nd annual Barraf Holiday Party/White Elephant Gift Exchange :) (12/10/22)
Christopher's birthday celebration with Sharaf Lab (09/23/22)
Happy hour and farewell party for Teresia (07/29/22) - front: Israel, Teresia, Morgan, Erica. back: Abu, Adonis, Zaria, Josh, Christopher
Barnes/Sharaf Lunch at Teleferic (6/28/22)
Pizza party after lab clean-up (5/12/22)
Group Photo/Lunch @ Get Da Fork Outta Here (front to back): Christopher, Josh, Jacob, Gina, Teresia, Adonis, Erica, Morgan (2/25/22)
First annual Barraf Holiday Party/White Elephant Gift Exchange :) (12/4/21)
Group Photo (left to right): Erica, Zaria, Teresia, Josh, Christopher, Pamela (11/4/21)
First lab lunch @ Blend (11/04/21)